CV in English

September 2020

Department of Education
Universidad Autónoma de Madrid (Spain)
3, Francisco Tomás y Valiente Street
28049 Madrid. Spain
++34 91 497 2709

Universidad Complutense de Madrid. Facultad de Filosofía y Ciencias de la Educación
Ph. D. cum laude 1998. Thesis. Ethnographic analysis of material uses in elementary education

Universidad Complutense de Madrid. Facultad de Filosofía y Ciencias de la Educación
B.A.cum laude 1988, Pedagogy

Lecturer (Profesor Titular de Universidad), Department of Curriculum 2007 to present, UAM.
Associate Professor (Profesor Titular de Escuela Universitaria), Department of Curriculum 1999—2007. UAM.
Assistant Professor (Profesor Asociado), Department of Curriculum 1992—1999. UAM.

R+D+i national plan EDU2010-17037. 2020-22. Young people and mobile phones at classroom (US’MOV)
CNPq national research commission. Brazil. 2019-21. “Theories of violence in education: training teachers to act in conflicts”.
CNPq national research commission. Brazil. 2017-21. Violence in education: Repression, release or absence of limits?
Banco Santander cooperation with Latin America Grant. 2017-18. “Quality of Education in Ibero-America: speeches, policies and practices”.
Camisea, Peruvian fund of research. 2017-18. Strengthening of technological skills in students of regular basic education in areas of poverty and social exclusion in the province of Huancavelica
R+D+i national plan EDU2010-17037. 2016-19. Digital competence in compulsory education students.
Banco Santander cooperation with Latin America Grant. 2015-16."Exclusion, poverty and ICT in Latin American schools: Analysis of the effects of public policies on the transformation of schools and their communities".
R+D Mexico plan EXB-536. 2015. "Development of research competence in university students through the didactic use of multimedia materials, Multidisciplinary Research Network for Research Competence (RIMCI)".
R+D Uruguay plan 004020-002624-13. 2014-15. "To look and think together our practices in the university classrooms. Training built in community, within the profession".
R+D+i national plan EDU2010-17037. 2011-13. Regional policies of one laptop per child in Spain.
Spanish Agency of International Cooperation for Developmen. Inter-University Cooperation Program and Scientific Research Grant. 2009-12. Teaching creativity to higher education teachers.
Banco Santander cooperation with Latin America Grant. 2010-11. Teaching creativity to higher education teachers
Actions to improve the quality of higher education - Secretary of State for Universities and Research (MICINN) Grant. 2008-09. Support services and educational technology to improve accessibility for people with disabilities to Higher Education.

Actions to improve the quality of higher education - Secretary of State for Universities and Research (MECD) Grant. 2007-08. Models of teaching and learning in e-learning platforms in Spanish universities

Banco Santander cooperation with Latin America Grant. 2007-08. Creativity and Resilience: A comparative analysis of new forms of creative contexts of uncertainty and complexity.

Actions to improve the quality of higher education - Secretary of State for Universities and Research (MECD) Grant. 2003-04. Study on the feasibility of the methodological proposals arising from the implementation of European credits (ECTS), linked to the use of ICT in teaching and research.

Spanish National Agency for evaluation, accreditation and quality. 2003-04. Study of European credits in Education Grades.

Banco Santander cooperation with Latin America Grant. 2003-05. Changing schools to improve education. A model of improving School for Latin America.

UAM Research Projects Grant. 2002-03. Secondary teachers, innovation and change. Analysis of attitudes

Department of Vocational Training Call for technical assistance, Castilla la Mancha. Spain. 2002. Study of e-learning in Vocational Training

Ministry of Education Grant. Spain. 1997-98. Educational research grant. Guidance to teacher trainees (especially kindergarten) through the Internet. A longitudinal study.

Centro de Investigación y Documentación Educativa Grant.1992. Effective school management and educational resources." Exploratory phase.

Centro de Investigación y Documentación Educativa Grant.1991. Study of inequalities in schooling and access to training

Centro de Investigación y Documentación Educativa Grant.1991. Report of the European Community on multicultural education: the Spanish case.

Centro de Investigación y Documentación Educativa Grant. 1990. Team managers in Spain and the professionalization of management in Europe.

La viabilidad de las propuestas metodológicas para la aplicación del crédito europeo por parte del profesorado de las universidades españolas
C Alba Pastor, R Carballo Santaolalla, M Estebanell Minguell, ...
Dirección general de Universidades e Investigación 2005

Para analizar la transformación con tic de la enseñanza universitaria. Un estudio exploratorio sobre creencias pedagógicas y prácticas de enseñanza con tic en universidad
B Barros, M Chavarría, J Paredes
Revista electrónica interuniversitaria de formación del profesorado 25 (11-1 … 2008

Las políticas educativas TIC en España después del Programa Escuela 2.0: las tendencias que emergen
M Area Moreira, C Alonso Cano, JM Correa Gorospe, ME Moral Pérez, ...
RELATEC: Revista Latinoamericana de Tecnología Educativa 13 (2), 11-34  2014

Didactica general: La práctica de la enseñanza en educación infantil, primaria y secundaria.
A De la Herrán Gascón, J Paredes Labra
McGraw Hill 2008

La práctica de la innovación educativa
J Paredes-Labra, A De la Herrán, MÁ Santos, JL Carbonell, J Gairín
Madrid: Síntesis 2009

Animación a la lectura y TIC: creando situaciones y espacios
J Paredes-Labra
Sociedad lectora y educación, 255 2005

Cambio tecnológico, usos de plataformas de e-learning y transformación de la enseñanza en las universidades españolas: la perspectiva de los profesores
JM Correa Gorospe, J Paredes
Universidad del País Vasco/Euskal Herriko Unibertsitatea 2009

Actitudes y necesidades de formación de los profesores ante las TIC y la introducción del crédito europeo: un nuevo desafío para la educación superior
J Paredes-Labra, M Estebanell
Revista de Educación, 2005, núm. 337, p. 125-148 2005

Evaluación del uso y manejo de las tecnologías de la información y la comunicación en los docentes universitarios. Evaluación del uso y manejo de las tecnologías...
J Paredes-Labra, C Valerio Mateos
RELATEC: Revista Latinoamericana de Tecnología Educativa 7 (1), 13-32 2008

Análisis etnográfico de los usos de recursos y materiales didácticos en educación primaria: estudios de los casos de dos centros
J Paredes-Labra
Universidad Complutense de Madrid 1999

La motivación del uso de las TIC en la formación del profesorado de educación ambiental
J Paredes-Labra
Ciência & Educação 2012

Didáctica general
A De la Herrán, J Paredes-Labra
La práctica de la enseñanza en Educación 2008

Las desigualdades en la educación en España
M Muñoz-Repiso (coord.)
Madrid: Centro de Investigación y Documentación Educativa 1992

Cultura escolar y resistencia al cambio
J Paredes-Labra
Tendencias pedagógicas 9, 131-142 2004

Cómo enseñar en el aula universitaria
J Paredes-Labra, A De la Herrán
Madrid: Editorial Pirámide, 106-70 2010

Materiales didácticos en la práctica educativa
J Paredes-Labra
Madrid: Departamento de Didáctica y Teoría de la … 2000

La formación en nuevas tecnologías en el ámbito de la educación no formal y de adultos. Experiencias en Madrid
J Paredes-Labra
Comunicación y pedagogía: Nuevas tecnologías y recursos didácticos, 33-42 2003

Transformar la enseñanza universitaria con la formación mediante la creatividad: Una investigación-acción con apoyo de las TIC
J Paredes-Labra
Revista iberoamericana de educación superior 2 (5), 101-113 2011

• "Education, ICT and society." Postgraduate Course in Education. Master of Information Technology and Communication. UAM. 2008-20
• "Qualitative methods in education". Master of Education. Faculty of Humanities and teacher training. Universidad de la República, Uruguay. 2019
• "Autonomous learning in the university. A multidimensional approach ". Master of Psychology and Education. Faculty of Psychology. Universidad de la República, Uruguay. 2016-17.
• "Robotics applied to Autism”. MOOC of the EdX platform of the UAM. 2015-16 to date.
• Master's Degree in Advanced Studies in Primary Education. Universidad Complutense de Madrid. 2012-13.
• “Change management. Requirements and strategies for incorporating ICT". Master in management of school in the new digital environment” UAM-Fundación encuentro-Fundación Telefónica. Academic courses 2009-10, 2010-11
• Practicum. Postgraduate Course in Teaching Secondary Education. UAM. 2010-11.
• "Technological change, uses of e-learning platforms and transformation of teaching in Spanish universities". PhD Program in Psychodidactics. University of the Basque Country (EHU). San Sebastian, Spain. 2009-10
• "Information technology and educational practice." PhD Course Program. "Educational action: historical and functional perspective". University of Alcalá (UAH) - Interamericana University for Development (UNID). Mexico. 2008-09
• "New systems of teacher education through ICT". UAM. 2006-07
• Internet and educational research. PhD Course Program PhD Innovation and Teacher Training. Universidad Autónoma de Madrid (UAM). 2003-04, 2004-05.
• "Qualitative Research on information technology and communication. Contributions to environmental education". Qualitative Research Seminar. Program in Environmental Education. Fundação Universidade Federal do Rio Grande, Rio Grande (Brazil), 2004.

• New Technologies Applied to Education. Compulsory subject in the curriculum of the Bachelor of Early and Elementary Teacher. Universidad Autónoma de Madrid, 1993-current.
• Designs for the development of multimedia teaching materials. Optional subject in the curriculum of the Bachelor of Psychology. Universidad Autónoma de Madrid, 2003-07
• Technology and Physical Activity. Compulsory subject in the curriculum of the Bachelor of Physical Activity and Sport. Universidad Autónoma de Madrid, 2002-2007
• New Technologies and Learning Environments. Compulsory subject in the curriculum of the Bachelor of Psychology. Universidad Autónoma de Madrid, Madrid, 2002--04

Director of the Department of Curriculum. Universidad Autónoma de Madrid, Madrid, January 2004- December 2009.
Secretary of Faculty. Teacher Education Faculty, Universidad Autónoma de Madrid, Madrid, March 2000-February 2003.
Vice-Dean for Educational Technology. Teacher Education Faculty, Universidad Autónoma de Madrid, Madrid, 1995-96 and 1999-2000
Vice-Dean for European Higher Education Area. Teacher Education Faculty, Universidad Autónoma de Madrid. 2003 - 2004.
Coordinator, Interdepartmental Doctoral Program "Innovation and Teacher Training"
Department of Curriculum. Universidad Autónoma de Madrid, Madrid, 2003-2004.
Elected member of Council of Teacher Education Faculty, Universidad Autónoma de Madrid, Madrid, 1999-2000 and 2003-2004
Elected member of the University Senate. Universidad Autónoma de Madrid, Madrid, 2004-2009.
Member of the Economic Commission of Teacher Education Faculty, Universidad Autónoma de Madrid, 2000-2009.
Member of Commission of Culture. Teacher Education Faculty, Universidad Autónoma de Madrid, 2009-current.

Project Evaluator. Spanish R & D National Agency of Evaluation and Planning.
Project Evaluator. Research Projects in Humanities, Social Sciences and Economic. Madrid Region Directorate of Research. and Directorate of Lifelong Learning.
Project Evaluator. Spanish Programs of Technologies for Health and Welfare. Institute for the Elderly and Social Services (Imserso).
Project Evaluator. Argentine scientific programs: CONICYT.
Project Evaluator. Educational Quality Agency. Castile and Leon Region.
Project Evaluator. Educational Quality Agency. Andalucia Region.
Project Evaluator. Catholic university of Salta, Argentina. 2012 Call.
Scientific Committee Member of journals.

• Research Fellow. Institute of Education. UAM, Spain. 2011-current.
• EMIPE, multidisciplinary team of educational practices research. UAM. 2018-current.
• FORPROICE, teacher education, innovation and complexity research group. Director: 2011-2014. Member: 2011-2018.
• RUTE, Red Universitaria de Tecnología Educativa (University Network of Educational Technology), 2006-current.
• Spanish society of Pedagogy. 2014-current.
• CARN, Collaborative Action Research Network, 2008 -current.
• IACSIT. International Association of Computer Science and Information Technology. Singapur. IACSIT. Senior Member 2009-current

• Educational uses of ICT
• Digital literacy
• Public pedagogies
• Teaching methods
• Change in education
• Higher education teaching
• Teacher education and practicum
• Expanded university
• Environmental education and ICT out of school.

Jose Miguel Correa Gorospe
Professor of Curriculum Department
University of the Basque Country
3 Oñati Square,
20018, Donostia-San Sebastián, Spain

Ivan Jorrín
Associate Professor of Qualitative Research Methods.
Bagwell College of Education.
Kennesaw State University (USA).

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